I think in many ways christian beliefs and Eckhart Tolle's teaching are compatible. However, I have struggled to find a church that I am able to sit comfortably in with my Tolle ideas in my head. So, it seems, in theory I could be both a christian and spiritualist, but in reality I feel I need to choose. That was until I was introduced to Rob bell. It is my good fortune to have met a man struggling with his faith after reading Eckhart Tolle. He discovered the American pastor Rob Bell and shared him with me. Rob Bell is a young, energetic, passionate christian. He seems to believe in the adaptability of the bible and faith. Rob Bell encourages his church goers to express their doubts, believing that it is not possible to never have some. Bell looks at changes in the bible, and varying interpretations of it to support the idea of versatility of the bible. And frequently Bell will encourage us to be present in the moment we are living. All this either allows a place for the spiritualist in christianity, or positively encourages it. Rob Bell helps me have faith that Christianity and spirituality can be interconnected. In fact, he makes the claim that Everything is Spiritual. Check this snippet out:
Paula holds an Eckhart Tolle Silent Group Meditation Group once a month at the Sutherland Library, South Sydney. For details of the next meeting please email Paula at info@openeyed-meditation.com for further information and to be added to the group mailing list.
My spiritual journey started about twelve years ago when I began meditating – but probably everything before was a prelude to that original drive to meditate. Certainly awareness has grown swiftly since, through those years that encompass my marriage, children, divorce and single motherhood. My greatest motivation, however, has been my children. I have been inspired to learn more, and seek answers so I can teach and lead them to a path of peace and happiness. In the process I have found my own spiritual freedom. This year (2008) has been an amazing ride as I have learned to open myself up to all the ideas, information and events that I seemed to draw to myself like a magnet. This blog is a platform for me to share some of the things I have discovered, and those I am still uncovering, with others. They are the ideas and concepts that have resonated with me, and are what I believe, at least for now. I allow myself, and I hope you will too, the room to change and develop further. So please take all comments made as open ended ideas. Your comments, insights and book titles will be very welcome here. You can learn more about me through my websites and the archives found here.
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